Why Unorthodox Analytic Philosophy

  • Guillermo E. Rosado Haddock University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico
Keywords: Post-Kantian Science and Philosophy, Ideological Empiricism, Quinean Myths, Husserl on Theoretical Physics and Mathematical Intuition, Empiricist Distortions of the History of Philosophy


So-called analytic philosophy is a product of early XXth century philosophy, resulting both as a response to the revolutions in logic, physics and mathematics of that period, as well as a reaction to the uncontrolled metaphysical systems that flourished in most of the XIXth century. But so-called analytic philosophy was from the very beginning biased by an ideological empiricism that blinded the understanding both of the history of philosophy, as well as that of physics and mathematics. Their grotesque division of philosophy in analytic and continental philosophy served only the purpose of arbitrarily excluding important contributions to rigorous philosophy not based on the gigantic meta-theoretic dogma of empiricism. Unorthodox analytic philosophy, on the contrary, though by no means ignoring the results of the physical sciences, is not based on any empiricist dogma, being perfectly conscious of the difficulties of empiricism to understand both physical and deductive sciences. Some of those difficulties of the empiricist ideology, both of general epistemological nature, and more specifically in the assessment of physical science and very especially in its misguided attempts to deal with the deductive sciences, will be examined.

Author Biography

Guillermo E. Rosado Haddock, University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico

GUILLERMO E. ROSADO HADDOCK is a retired Professor in the Department of Philosophy, University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. PhD at the Department of Logic of the Friedrich Wilhelm's University of Bonn (Germany) in 1973, with a dissertation on Husserl's philosophy of logic and mathematics. His work is mainly in the Philosophy of Logic and the Philosophy of Mathematics, mostly, though not exclusively, on the views of Husserl and Frege. He has published papers or critical studies in some twenty international journals as well as books such as Unorthodox Analytic Philosophy (College Publications, 2018); Against the Current (Ontos, 2012); The Young Carnap's Unknown Master (Ashgate, 2008); A Critical Introduction to the Philosophy of Gottlob Frege (Ashgate 2006), as well as the book of essays Husserl and Analytic Philosophy (de Gruyter, 2016), of which he is both editor and co-author; and Husserl or Frege?: Meaning, Objectivity and Mathematics (Open Court 2000, 2003) co-authored with Claire Ortiz Hill.


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How to Cite
Rosado Haddock, G.E. 2019. Why Unorthodox Analytic Philosophy. Disputatio. 8, 11 (Dec. 2019), 61-98. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3438765.
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