Critic for the Shipwrecked: Literature beyond borders

  • Eduardo Cesar Maia University of Pernambuco
  • Francisco José Chaguaceda Alonso IES Juan Ramón Jiménez, Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Rebellion of the masses v. 2.0, Ortega y Gasset, Hannah Arendt, Ideological Self-Restriction


It would seem to be a recurrent event in history, in times like ours marked by ideological tension and political polarization, that the language of morals, and  the aesthetic and artistic perception suffer a radical simplification. The inner life becomes impoverished because we feel obligated somehow to take sides in the collective causes in confrontation, although none of them has wholly convinced us, neither intellectually nor morally. The public debate —cultural and artistic critic in general— degenerates into a battlefield in which each of the sides, entrenched y protected by unbreakable convictions and irrevocable feelings of moral superiority, discharge hate and resentment against real and imaginary adversaries. Autonomous thought and analytic complexity descend to a second plane, dragged down by a simultaneously stimulating and comforting sentiment of being part of something larger than oneself. The formerly unrestricted reign of thought is reduced to the narrow limits of the ideological view of the world to which, by an autonomous decision, we cling. Hannah Arendt's imperative of Thinking without Bannister, i. e., without crutches and dogmas, thus becomes all the more urgent in the digital agoras. It is of that thought that questioning the current rebellion of the masses, actual version 2.0, depends, that is, the digital and postmodern one.

Author Biographies

Eduardo Cesar Maia, University of Pernambuco

Eduardo Cesar Maia es Profesor en la Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil. Doctor en Teoría Literaria [≈  PhD]  en  la  Universidade  Federal  de  Pernambuco.  Su  investigación  se  centra  en  el  análisis  y  rescate  intelectual de la tradición crítica humanista a través de las obras de José Ortega y Gasset y Álvaro Lins. Así mismo, sus estudios abordan el pensamiento literario y crítico de Mario Vargas Llosa.

Francisco José Chaguaceda Alonso, IES Juan Ramón Jiménez, Madrid, Spain

Francisco José Chaguaceda Alonso es Licenciado en filosofía por la Universidad de Salamanca y trabaja actualmente como profesor de educación secundaria en Madrid, España.


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Ortega y Gasset, José (2014). Meditaciones del Quijote y otros ensayos, Madrid, España: Alianza Editorial.

Popper, Karl (1977). Autobiografia intelectual. Tradução de Leônidas Hegenberg e Octanny Silveira da Motta. São Paulo: Cultrix.

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How to Cite
Maia, E.C. and Chaguaceda Alonso, F.J. 2022. Critic for the Shipwrecked: Literature beyond borders. Disputatio. 11, 20 (May 2022), 133-144. DOI:
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