A problem for easy ontology

  • Sybren Heyndels University College Dublin, Ireland
Keywords: Ontology, Existence, Carnap, Strawson


Thomasson’s easy ontology approach (2015) aims at deflating existence questions through a revival of Carnap’s (1950) distinction between internal and external questions. Importantly, her account depends on an analysis of the ordinary meaning of ‘exist(s)’ as a second-order predicate. I do two things in this paper. First, I show that Thomasson’s analysis fails to do justice to the complexity of the English predicate ‘exist(s)’. Against Thomasson, I argue that there are cases in which ‘exist(s)’ functions as a first-order predicate. Because these cases were first noted by P.F. Strawson (1967), I will call them ‘Strawson-cases’. Secondly, I argue that these counterexamples give some support to (i) more substantive theories about existence as well as (ii) accounts that treat ‘exist(s)’ as varying in meaning.


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Quine, Willard van Orman (1948). «On What There Is». The Review of Metaphysics 2: pp. 21-38.

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Thomasson, Amy (2015). Ontology Made Easy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
How to Cite
Heyndels, S. 2021. A problem for easy ontology. Disputatio. 10, 16 (Mar. 2021), 263-271. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4718649.
Critical Notes