The Philosophy of Apel and the Problem of Thinking without Language

  • Andrés Crelier Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
Keywords: Karl-Otto Apel, Thinking, Language, Dependence


The article examines the claim that meaningful thinking depends on language in relation to the philosophy of Karl-Otto Apel. Firstly, it interprets Apel´s position on this issue and puts forward the thesis of a «real dependance», according to which meaningful thinking depends on the existence of a natural language. Secondly, a variety of counterexamples to the latter thesis are being examined. Thirdly, the paper analyses the idea of a «virtual dependency», according to which meaningful thinking depends on its being expressible by a natural language. The fourth and last section sets limits to the latter claim but applies it to the presuppositions of argumentation. 

Author Biography

Andrés Crelier, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

Andrés Crelier is Professor at Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata and Investigator at CONICET (Argentina). He wrote books and articles about a variety of topics in Contemporary Philosophy, such as Hermeneutics, Transcendental Philosophy and Discourse Ethics. His interests is currently centred on the relation between thought and language as seen from the point of view of Analytic Philosophy and in particular related to the cognitive ethology.


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How to Cite
Crelier, A. 2020. The Philosophy of Apel and the Problem of Thinking without Language. Disputatio. 9, 12 (Mar. 2020), 299-318. DOI: