El gobierno de los mejores

  • Miguel Candel Universitat de Barcelona, España
Keywords: Plato, Philosopher kings, Government, Division of powers, Democracy, Public interest


This paper, on the basis of a development of some well known Platonic ideas on government, stated in the Republic, puts forward the proposal of a reform of democracy consisting mainly in the addition, to the three classical powers of State, of a fourth one, namely, a council formed by people elected among ordinary citizens endowed with publicly recognized civic, moral and intellectual virtues. This council would simply release not binding statements on different issues of public interest as, for example, decisions taken by the ordinary State powers, in order to provide ordinary citizens with elements of judgment on those issues, without the constrictions usually imposed on the public opinion by political or economic lobbies.

Author Biography

Miguel Candel, Universitat de Barcelona, España

Miguel Candel is Associate Professor at the Universitat de Barcelona. PhD in Philosophy at the Universitat de Barcelona.

How to Cite
Candel, M. 2014. El gobierno de los mejores. Disputatio. 3, 4 (Dec. 2014), 73-86.
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