Some Strands of Wittgenstein’s Normative Pragmatism, and Some Strains of his Semantic Nihilism

  • Robert B. Brandom University of Pittsburgh, USA
Keywords: Meaning and Use, Hypothetical Entitites, Antiscientism, Semantic Nihilism, Linguistic Dynamism


In this reflection I address one of the critical questions this monograph is about: How to justify proposing yet another semantic theory in the light of Wittgenstein’s strong warnings against it. I see two clear motives for Wittgenstein’s semantic nihilism. The first one is the view that philosophical problems arise from postulating hypothetical entities such as “meanings”. To dissolve the philosophical problems rather than create new ones, Wittgenstein suggests substituting “meaning” with “use” and avoiding scientism in philosophy together with the urge to penetrate in one's investigation to unobservable depths. I believe this first motive constitutes only a weak motive for Wittgenstein’s quietism, because there are substantial differences between empirical theories in natural sciences and semantic theories in philosophy that leave Wittgenstein’s assimilation of both open to criticism. But Wittgenstein is right, on the second motive, that given the dynamic character of linguistic practice, the classical project of semantic theory is a disease that can be removed or ameliorated only by heeding the advice to replace concern with meaning by concern with use. On my view, this does not preclude, however, a different kind of theoretical approach to meaning that avoids the pitfalls of the Procrustean enterprise Wittgenstein complained about.

Author Biography

Robert B. Brandom, University of Pittsburgh, USA

Robert Boyce Brandom works on the philosophy of language, the philosophy of mind, and the philosophy of logic, on German idealism and neo–pragmatism, and on Wilfrid Sellars. His most important books are Making It Explicit (Harvard, 1994) and Between Saying and Doing: Towards an Analytic Pragmatism (Oxford, 2008). His most recent books are Reason in Philosophy (Harvard 2009), Perspectives on Pragmatism (Harvard, 2011), From Empiricism to Expressivism: Brandom Reads Sellars (Harvard, 2014) and Wiedererinnerter Idealismus (Suhrkamp, 2015). Professor Brandom has given the John Locke lectures at Oxford, the Hempel lectures at Princeton, the Howison and Townsend lectures at Berkeley, a William James lecture at Harvard, and the Woodbridge lectures at Columbia. He has held fellowships at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford and at All Souls College Oxford. In 2002 he was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and in 2004 he received the Distinguished Achievement in the Humanities Award from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.


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How to Cite
Brandom, R.B. 2019. Some Strands of Wittgenstein’s Normative Pragmatism, and Some Strains of his Semantic Nihilism. Disputatio. 8, 9 (Jun. 2019), 81-109. DOI: