Perspicuity and Existential Alertness in José Ortega y Gasset’s Meditations on Hunting

  • Pedro Blas González Barry University, USA
Keywords: Existentialism, Philosophy of Existence, Pre-History, Hunting, Self-Reflection, Existential Perspicuity


Meditations on Hunting is a book that expands José Ortega y Gasset’s philosophy of man as an extra-natural being. Man is extra-natural because, while man has a relationship with his physical circumstance, this is not the only factor that defines man. In Meditations on Hunting Ortega reminds us that a life worth living is a life that is alert to itself. Existential authenticity, then, requires that man sustain a sense of awe and wonder about his own existence and the world that surrounds us. The life-long strain that existential authenticity demands of man, I refer to as existential alertness. This intensity of vital reflection is fueled by a form of reflective perspicuity that never allows human existence to become too comfortable; to the point of acting as a detriment to self-reflection. I believe that existential alertness is an existential category that Ortega’s work illuminates in a way that few thinkers have paid attention to.

Author Biography

Pedro Blas González, Barry University, USA

Pedro Blas González es Profesor de Filosofía en la Barry University, EUA. Doctor en Filosofía [PhD] en la DePaul University. Sus principales áreas de interés se centran en la filosofía iberoamericana, el idealismo alemán, la metafísica, la fenomenología y la filosofía de la historia; y más concretamente en la relación que existe entre la subjetividad, autoconocimiento, autonomía personal y filosofía. En sus principales publicaciones se cuentan: Human Existence as Radical Reality: Ortega's Philosophy of Subjectivity (St. Paul, MN: Paragon House, 2005); Fragments: Essays in Subjectivity, Individuality and Autonomy (New York: Algora Publishing, 2005); Ortega's «The Revolt of the Masses» and the Triumph of the New Man (New York: Algora Publishing Algora Publishing, 2007); Unamuno: A Lyrical Essay (Moorpark, CaliforniaFloricanto Press, 2007); y, Philosophical Perspectives on Cinema (Lockport, NY: Lincoln Publishing, 2011).


Ortega y Gasset, José (1986). Meditations on Hunting. Trans. Howard B. Wescott. Introd. By Paul Shepard. New York: Scribner’s and Sons. [Tit. Orig.: Prólogo a Veinte años de caza mayor, de Eduardo Figueroa Alonso–Martínez, Conde de Yebes. Madrid: Editorial Plus Ultra, 1942].

Ortega y Gasset, José (1993). The Revolt of the Masses. Trans. J. R. Carey. New York: W.W. & Norton 1993. [Tit. Orig.: La rebelión de las masas. Madrid: Revista de Occidente, 1929].

Blake, William (1953). Selected Poetry and Prose. New York: The Modern Library 1953.

How to Cite
Blas González, P. 2016. Perspicuity and Existential Alertness in José Ortega y Gasset’s Meditations on Hunting. Disputatio. 5, 6 (Dec. 2016), 395-403. DOI:
Critical Notes