Considerations on the ontological existential structure of death in Martin Heidegger

  • Elsa González Moscoso Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador
Keywords: Death, Dasein, Sorge, True Existence, Ontology


The aim of the present writing is to offer an account of the heideggerian conception of death from the considerations of Being and Time. For that purpose, this paper briefly describes and develops some central elements such as the idea of death as a phenomenon collateral to life and not its simple ending; the explanation of death as a possibility or a “not yet”; the existentialist projection of the own death; the freedom of death as an opening to it and to the true existence. All of these elements gravitating around the ontological-existential concept of death.

Author Biography

Elsa González Moscoso, Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador

Elsa González Moscoso es Maestra en Estudios de la Cultura por parte de la Universidad de Azuay y actualmente profesora titular principal del departamento de humanidades de la Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador.


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How to Cite
González Moscoso, E. 2012. Considerations on the ontological existential structure of death in Martin Heidegger. Disputatio. 1, 1 (Jun. 2012), 79-94. DOI:
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