Dominicus Gundissalinus and the introduction of metaphysics in the Latin Occident

  • Alexander Fidora Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, España
  • Kurt Wischin Universidad de Granada, España
Keywords: Epistemology, Ontology, Philosophical Theology, Division of Sciences, School of Chartres, Avicenna, School of Toledo


This paper focuses on Gundissalinus’s particularly important contribution to metaphysics which it presents in three steps: firstly, a succinct overview of the history of the relevant metaphysical terminology from the Late Ancient period to the Middle Ages shows how, for the first time, Gundissalinus interpreted metaphysics as the name of a discipline (and not just of a book); in a second step, the paper analyzes the specific epistemological foundation of metaphysics as an autonomous science, namely as ontology, in the chapter on metaphysics in Gundissalinus’s De divisione philosophiae, paying particular attention to his criticism of twelfth-century (philosophical) theology as this was developed in the School of Chartres; thirdly, the paper examines a crucial text from the treatise on the division of the sciences: in it, Gundissalinus included an otherwise unknown translation of a passage from Avicenna’s Book of Demonstration which discusses the thorny issue of the subordination of the philosophical disciplines to metaphysics. This subject is one which would continue to receive plenty of attention in later times, as the examples of Robert Kilwardby and John Duns Scotus demonstrate, both of which authors may be considered to have continued Gundissalinus’s metaphysical project.

Author Biographies

Alexander Fidora, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, España

Alexander Fidora is ICREA Research Professor at the Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona. PhD in Philosophy at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main.

Kurt Wischin, Universidad de Granada, España

Kurt Wischin is currently CPhil at the International School for Graduate Studies of the University of Granada. His first formational contact with academic philosophy occurred in Vienna during the 1970s. He obtained a BA in Philosophy at the Autonomous University and a MPhil at the Autonomous National University of Mexico. His work in philosophy takes as it starting point the philosophy of Wittgenstein, in particular as condensed in Philosophical Investigations. His current investigative activities are focussed on the foundational years of contemporary philosophy of logic and language, putting special emphasis on the development of Frege's doctrine and its influence on the formation of the Tractatus, as well as generally early analytical philosophy. He has published various articles and translations y some anthologies' and academic reviews.

How to Cite
Fidora, A. and Wischin, K. 2014. Dominicus Gundissalinus and the introduction of metaphysics in the Latin Occident. Disputatio. 3, 4 (Dec. 2014), 51-70.
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