«Reform of Philosophy» in Ortega and the «New Philosophy of Life» in Dilthey according to Georg Misch

  • Nelson R. Orringer University of Connecticut, United States of America
Keywords: Ortega y Gasset, Dilthey, Misch, Philosophy of Life, Existentialism


In two studies well-known in their day (1923, 1929-31) on Wilhelm Dilthey, his student and son-in-law Georg Misch idealized his person and his thought. While studying this idealization, Ortega achieved philosophical maturity between 1929 and 1931. He adjusted Dilthey’s philosophy of life, energized by Misch, to the purposes of «vital reason». Ortega’s basic doctrines show the impact of Misch´s Dilthey —the idea of human life, the radical reality, to which all others are referred; the all-embracing reform of philosophy from the standpoint of life; the idea of life as a chore for self-authentication; and the views of life as a secret, different from Being, and comprehensible by means of the «categories of our life»—. Ortega weighs and measures the contrasts made by Misch between the categories of Dilthey and those of Heidegger to systematize his own categories and raise them to the rank of «principles of metaphysics in accordance with vital reason».

Author Biography

Nelson R. Orringer, University of Connecticut, United States of America

NELSON R. ORRINGER es Profesor Emérito en la University of Connecticut, Estados Unidos de América. Doctor en Estudios Hispánicos por la Brown University, EUA. Sus áreas de interés son principalmente la filosofía española y la literatura comparada. Entre sus publicaciones se cuentan Legado filosófico español e hispanoamericano del siglo XX (Tecnos, 2009); Hermann Cohen (1842-1918). Filosofar como fundamentar (Ediciones del Orto, 2000); Filosofía de la corporalidad en Ortega y Gasset (EUNSA, 1999); Nuevas fuentes germánicas de «¿Qué es filosofía?» de Ortega. (CSIC, 1984); Ortega y sus fuentes germánicas (Gredos, 1979).


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How to Cite
Orringer, N.R. 2019. «Reform of Philosophy» in Ortega and the «New Philosophy of Life» in Dilthey according to Georg Misch. Disputatio. 8, 11 (Dec. 2019), 115-140. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3451454.
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