Micrographs. A bridge between art and science
From an early age we have been made to choose between science or literature; arts and humanities, or scientific and technical training; areas that point in opposite directions. However, it is knowledge and curiosity that unite science and art. This publication analyzes how both are related through three specific examples: the discovery of the cell, the theory of evolution, and the bases of neuroscience with the work of Hooke, Darwin and Cajal respectively. Showing art as a vocation and a tool that allowed a better understanding of why things happen. In this line we also present a series of images corresponding to the observation of a microorganism "Kombucha" obtained by means of a high resolution scanning electron microscope that allowed us to discover the art of the small. With this work we propose to create a bridge between science and art, hoping to generate in artists and other professions new scenarios, new worlds and different perspectives, which allow us to develop more works of art inspired by science, as well as scientific development based on art.
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