Frege and young Wittgenstein about the laws of inference. Afterword to TLP 5.132

  • Kurt Wischin Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
Keywords: Laws of Inference, Logical Laws, Logic and Language, Creating Concepts


In my paper of 2017 written in Spanish, «Justification of Inferences. Frege and Tractatus 5.132» I argued, following Proops (2002) that Wittgenstein misunderstood Frege when affirming that he —as supposedly did Russell as well— relied on laws of inference to justify the conclusion from q to p. In this short paper, I first try to show that the ideas of Frege and young Wittgenstein concerning inferences are very similar, except for evident differences in the fundaments of their doctrines. I then give a rough picture of some aspects of the teachings of the Tractatus, which allow understanding better the critical remarks about Frege and Russell formulated in 5.132, not being the result of poor comprehension of their respective doctrines, but as a manifestation of the general incompatibility of their visions of logic. Giving voice, in particular, to the conviction that his teachers were not aware that propositions share the entire space of logic between them, not leaving any place for a thinker to assign them an arbitrary role according to his needs in proofs of logic.

Author Biography

Kurt Wischin, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain

Kurt Wischin es editor y secretario de redacción de Disputatio. Buletín de Investigación Filosófica. Él dio sus primeros pasos en la filosofía académica a principios de los años 1970 en la Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad de Viena. Actualmente cuenta con una maestría en filosofía por parte de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UNAM, Ciudad de México y es actualmente doctorando en la Escuela Internacional de Posgrado de la Universidad de Granada. Ha publicado varios artículos, contribuido con capítulos a algunos libros y participado en congresos nacionales e internacionales.


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Wischin, Kurt (por publicar). «On Frege’s Sense, Meaning and the Hierarchy».

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How to Cite
Wischin, K. 2021. Frege and young Wittgenstein about the laws of inference. Afterword to TLP 5.132. Disputatio. 10, 18 (Sep. 2021), 207-219. DOI: