We are not our genes: Considerations about the molecular definition of gene

  • Mariano Martín Villuendas Universidad de Salamanca, España
Keywords: Function, Structure, Causal Agency, Causal Specificity


The molecular concept of gene has been subject, in recent decades, to a constant process of theoretical deconstruction. Despite of the many criticisms received, this concept still exists today as the main work stereotype. The objective of this paper will be to try to evaluate the validity and scope of the molecular concept of gene in light of the current state of biology. In order to do so, the work will be structured in three sections. In the first section the basic characteristics of the molecular concept of gene will be established. These characteristics will be articulated under four basic parameters: 1. Structural definition. 2. Functional definition. 3. Causal agency. 4. Causal specificity. In the second section, a detailed analysis of the structural and functional definition of the molecular concept will be carried out. In the third section, the points concerning agency and causal specificity will be examined. From these considerations two conclusions can be drawn. Firstly, it is necessary to suspend the unrestricted validity of the molecular concept of gene. Secondly, that it is necessary to embrace more open definitions that allow dealing with the inherent complexity of biological phenomena.

Author Biography

Mariano Martín Villuendas, Universidad de Salamanca, España

Mariano Martín Villuendas is a Ph.D. student in Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of Salamanca (Spain). He has a BA in Philosophy and a MA in Logic and Philosophy of Science. His research interest are Philosophy of Biology and Philosophy of Science. He has published «Una discusión en torno a los límites del concepto especie». Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso vol. 14 (2019): pp. 241-273.


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How to Cite
Martín-Villuendas, M. 2021. We are not our genes: Considerations about the molecular definition of gene. Disputatio. 10, 16 (Mar. 2021), 103-137. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4678992.
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