Bad times for public discourse

  • Luis Vega Reñón Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain
Keywords: Post-Truth, Manipulation, Lying, Fallacy, Public Discourse


I am adapting the famous title of Brecht (1939), “Bad time for poetry”, to refer to the growing distortion and disinformation suffered by our public discourse. It matters to know their assumptions and projections if we want to deal with this process of deterioration and, if possible, stop it or even, being more optimistics, revert its course. So, after a brief review of the most well-known variants (hoax, bullshit, fake news, etc.), I will focus on their status as modalities of post-truth, i. e “deliberate distortion of a reality, that manipulates beliefs and opinions in order to influence public opinion and social attitudes” (DLE, 2018), with three purposes: (1) to declare the various reasons (philosophical and ideological, psychological and technological) that underlie post-truth development; (2) denounce its disposition as manipulative, mendacious and, ultimately, fallacious in the field of public discourse; and (3) consider our chances of detecting, preventing and lessening these toxic effects.

Author Biography

Luis Vega Reñón, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain

LUIS VEGA REÑÓN es catedrático emérito de la UNED. Fundador y director de la Revista Iberoamericana de Argumentación (RIA). Numerosas publicaciones sobre teoría e historia de la argumentación. Los libros más recientes: (2017) Lógica para ciudadanos. Ensayos sobre Lógica civil, ISBN: 978-3-639-53179-4, 120 pp.; (2019) La argumentación en la historia, ISBN: 978-620-0-05622-1, 463 pp.


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Nietzsche, Friedrich, Vaihinger, Hans (1990), Sobre verdad y mentira. Traducción de Luis M. Valdés y Teresa Orduña. Madrid: Tecnos, 2006 5ª reimp.

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Vega Reñón, Luis (2017) Lógica para ciudadanos. Ensayos sobre Lógica civil. Saarbrücken, DEU: EAE/OmniScriptum GmbH & Co.

How to Cite
Vega Reñón, L. 2020. Bad times for public discourse. Disputatio. 9, 13 (Jun. 2020), 175-195. DOI: