Rationality and the variety of language games

  • Giacomo Turbanti Università di Pisa, Italy
Keywords: Normative Pragmatics, Declarative Fallacy, Discursive Rationality, Language Games, Space of Reason


One of the most striking clashes between the results of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s reflections on language games and Robert Brandom’s normative analysis of pragmatics concerns the pride of place granted by the latter to assertional practices. While Wittgenstein believes that there is no privileged language game, Brandom maintains that the game of giving and asking for reasons is fundamental for the possibility of any linguistic practice to be properly meaningful. Recently, Rebecca Kukla and Mark Lance proposed to generalize Brandom’s normative pragmatics in order to provide a more fine–grained analysis of the normativity that governs discursive practices. It is a courageous enterprise that challenges the predominance of the cognitive approach in pragmatics by underpinning a different way to understand the notion of meaning. Their proposal, however, requires to take into account many different sorts of speech acts on a par and, by doing so, it is in tension with Brandom’s approach. This paper explores the shape of this tension in order to see whether or not a unitary characterization of rationality can be envisaged in Wittgenstein’s and Brandom’s way of accounting for the ability to deploy conceptual contents in linguistic practices.

Author Biography

Giacomo Turbanti, Università di Pisa, Italy

Giacomo Turbanti is is Research Fellow at the Department of Civilizations and Forms of Knowledge at the University of Pisa. His research activity mainly concerns philosophy of language, philosophy of communication and philosophical logic. In particular, his interests gravitate around Sellarsian themes:  inferentialism, the normativity of meaning and the semantic-pragmatic interface. He is also working on modality and substructural logics. His recent publications include the book Robert Brandom's Normative Inferentialism (2017).


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How to Cite
Turbanti, G. 2019. Rationality and the variety of language games. Disputatio. 8, 9 (Jun. 2019), 471-497. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3247931.