Anaxagoras and the Big Bang

  • David Torrijos-Castrillejo Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso, Spain
Keywords: Cosmology, Nature, Whirl, Epistemology, Stars


In order to show the relevance of the Presocratic thinkers, certain achievements are sometimes presented as anticipations of some discoveries made by contemporary science. Anaxagoras’ explanation for the origin of the world in particular has been compared to the Big Bang theory by some scholars. The purpose of this article is to show why this theory is very different from Anaxagoras’ view of the origin of the world. For Anaxagoras, the world does not start from a tiny expanding particle. Rather, already before the beginning of the cosmos, there is a totality filled by a primordial mixture. The world emerges in it as a kind of dilating bubble. The cosmos grows by means of a whirl which absorbs the exterior mixture, deconstructing it to give origin to the different things that we know. This vortex is a unique explanation for multiple phenomena, not only helping to understand the origin of the world but also the present cosmos, which is in continuous expansion, since cosmogenesis has not been interrupted.

Author Biography

David Torrijos-Castrillejo, Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso, Spain

David Torrijos Castrillejo es Profesor de filosofía en la Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso de Madrid, España. Doctor en Filosofía [PhD] por la Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Italia. Su trabajo se centra en la metafísica, la teología filosófica y la historia de la filosofía antigua y medieval. Es autor, entre otras obras, de Anaxágoras y su recepción en Aristóteles (Romae: EDUSC, 2014) y Domingo Báñez. Predestinación y libertad. Escritos en torno a la controversia de auxiliis (Pamplona: EUNSA, 2021).


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How to Cite
Torrijos-Castrillejo, D. 2021. Anaxagoras and the Big Bang. Disputatio. 10, 17 (Jun. 2021), 131-152. DOI:
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