The contradictions and dangers of Bruno Latour’s conception of climate science

  • Philippe Stamenkovic Aix Marseille University, France
Keywords: Bruno Latour, Climate Science, Politicization of Science, Pseudo-Profound Bullshit, Climategate


This article debunks Bruno Latour’s seemingly pro-scientific and well-intentioned (in particular, environment-friendly) posture. I briefly summarize Latour’s constructivist, relativist, hybridist, and mystic philosophy, insisting on his radicalization in his last two books (Face à Gaïa and Où atterrir?). I show that Latour’s conception is akin to “pseudo-profound bullshit” (Frankfurt, Pennycook et al.), inasmuch as he tries to hide his mysticism behind the invocation of scientific facts. I then concentrate on Latour’s politicization of climate science, showing that it is: self-contradictory from an epistemological point of view, since it presupposes scientifically established facts (such as anthropogenic climate change) while at the same time undermining their objectivity; counterproductive, and even dangerous, from the political point of view, since it recommends a full politicization of climate science and ignores its harmful effects. I conclude by advocating a distinction between science and politics, and by showing that Latour’s philosophy fosters our current post-truth predicament.

Author Biography

Philippe Stamenkovic, Aix Marseille University, France

PHILIPE STAMENKOVIC is associated researcher in the philosophy and history of science at Aix Marseille University. His research interests include political philosophy of science, science and society relationships, and history of philosophy of science.


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How to Cite
Stamenkovic, P. 2020. The contradictions and dangers of Bruno Latour’s conception of climate science. Disputatio. 9, 13 (Jun. 2020), 227-260. DOI: