Negation, material incompatibilities and inferential thickness: a Brandomian take on Middle Wittgenstein

  • Marcos Silva Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brazil
Keywords: Negation, Material Incompatibilities, Inferential Thickness


By 1929, after the full acknowledgment of the colour–exclusion problem, Wittgenstein had to admit that material incompatibilities presented in conceptual systems (Satzsysteme) could not be reduced to formal tautologies and contradictions. Wittgenstein then, in his middle period, had to examine the kind of negation which, for instance, colour systems should render, which expose not just one but many or, in some cases, infinite inferentially articulated alternatives. Here, inspired by Brandom’s inferentialism (1994, 2000, 2008), I explore the idea that Wittgenstein, in his middle period, advocated a form of inferentialism based on the inferentially articulated content of propositions in Satzsysteme. At that time, Wittgenstein suggested that every sentence should be logically connected to many others. I call this feature inferential thickness. Therefore, I use Löf’s (2013) normative read of verificationism to explain Middle Wittgenstein’s holist solution to problems concerning the use of negation related to material incompatibilities and determination of propositional sense. I also investigate the distinction between contrariety and contradiction and some possible connections to a mandatory restriction of the principle of excluded middle in Satzsysteme.

Author Biography

Marcos Silva, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brazil

Marcos Silva is currently Associate Professor at the Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil. He has held research positions in Rio de Janeiro, Fortaleza, Leipzig and Pittsburgh and has presented his research throughout Europe. His research interests include the philosophy of logic, philosophy of language and Wittgenstein’s philosophy. He is the editor of Colours in the development of Wittgenstein's Philosophy (Palgrave, 2017) and How Colours Matter to Philosophy (Springer, 2017). In 2016, he received the Fulbright Junior Faculty Member Award.


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How to Cite
Silva, M. 2019. Negation, material incompatibilities and inferential thickness: a Brandomian take on Middle Wittgenstein. Disputatio. 8, 9 (Jun. 2019), 541-562. DOI: