What does it mean to belong to a community?

  • Freddy O. Santamaría Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia
  • Simon Ruiz Martínez Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colombia
Keywords: Linguistic Community, Practices, Social Pragmatism, Rationality


The present article develops the notion of community and how it is instituted by way of discursive social practices, governed by training for practice and following rules —taken from the Investigations and On Certainty— as interpretative keys that help us justify the notion that communities are created from the «I–Thou» type inter–subjectivity maintained by Brandom. The social pragmatism on which this proposal is based, allows us to articulate —under the perspective we find in Wittgenstein’s work– the dynamics of institution and the development of a community, understanding what belonging to it it means and implies, what consequences following a rule one way or another has. This new description on terms of belonging to a community allows us to understand rationality in pragmatic terms, in so far as being rational means taking part in the game of giving and asking for the reasons that such community finds as binding, as suggested in Making it explicit.

Author Biographies

Freddy O. Santamaría, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia

Freddy O. Santamaría obtained a grade in philosophy a the Universidad Pontificia Boliveriana in Medellin (UPB), Colombia, a PhD in Philosophy at the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Spain and at the UPB, where he currently is professor for philosophy. He is also member of a group of investigators in political studies, specializing in «Language and Action» at the Faculty for Political Sciences of the UPB. His publications include, among other titles, Hacer mundosel nombrar y la significatividad. Una investigación desde la filosofía analítica, Bogotá, 2009; Nombres, significados y mundos, Salamanca, 2007; Lecturas analíticas, Bogotá, 2011.

Simon Ruiz Martínez, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colombia

Simon Ruiz obtained an MA in Political Studies from UPB and concluded studies with the group of investigation Political Studies at UPB. He graduated in Philosophy at UPB with the tesis «Dar y Pedir razones como fundamento de la estructura conceptual humana» about the work of Robert Brandom. He is author of the article «Doy razones: yo como operador anafórico» and the coauthor of the articles «Wittgenstein: tres coordenadas lógicas para la objetividad» and «Pragmática para la justicia global: prácticas mínimas y compromiso discursivo».


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How to Cite
Santamaría, F.O. and Ruiz Martínez, S. 2019. What does it mean to belong to a community?. Disputatio. 8, 9 (Jun. 2019), 321-346. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3236931.