Suárez and Salamanca: Magister and Locus of Pure Nature

  • Victor M. Salas Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit, USA
Keywords: Nature, Grace, Supernatural End, Natural End, Beatific Vision


This paper explores the thinking of some Salamancan theologians regarding the notion of pure nature. In particular, I address Suárez’s thinking on this subject and locate it within the context of the debate over whether human beings have a desire for the beatific vision. Insofar as a number of Thomists and Suárez think that there is no natural desire for a supernatural end, human beings are, by nature, left only with a desire for natural beatitude. The theoretical possibility of a human nature created without any order to a supernatural end and also falling outside the economy of grace becomes a subject of speculation that serves to illuminate something about created nature itself.

Author Biography

Victor M. Salas, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit, USA

Victor M. Salas is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit, USA). He
received a Ph.D. in philosophy from Saint Louis University (2008) and conducts research on late scholastic
metaphysics, especially that of Francisco Suárez. Among some of his works, he has been the co-editor of A
Companion to Francisco Suárez (Brill, 2015) and John Doyle's Collected Studies on Francisco Suárez, S.J., 1548-
1617 (Leuven University Press, 2010). His articles have appeared in The Thomist, Journal for the History of
Philosophy, Res Philosophica, Pensamiento, The Modern Schoolman, to name a few.


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How to Cite
Salas, V.M. 2018. Suárez and Salamanca: Magister and Locus of Pure Nature. Disputatio. 7, 8 (Dec. 2018), a026. DOI: