¿Los textos del Antiguo Testamento corroboran el geocentrismo?

  • Josep Maria Pons-Poblet Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, España
Keywords: Bible, Joshua, Kohelet, Copernicus, Cosmology


We often read excerpts from the Old Testament that appear to evince an understanding of the Earth as the centre of creation, with the Sun revolving around it. That conception is commonly known as Geocentrism (γεωκεντρισμός), a formulation perfectly consistent with the philosophy of that age, which was strongly rooted in Aristotelianism. Therefore, we are talking about a period which lasted for several centuries in which theological and philosophical thought coexisted faultlessly. This essay contains some such Old Testament texts, which prove to concur literally with the Geocentrism prevalent at the time. To that end, examples have been extracted from a number of Books pertaining to different writing stages.

Author Biography

Josep Maria Pons-Poblet, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, España

Josep Maria Pons-Poblet es professor at the Department of Strength of Materials and Structures in Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC–TECH), Spain. Doctor [≈ PhD] of Industrial Engineering by the UPC–TECH. He teaches courses on Mechanics of Continuous Media and Theory of Structures at the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering –ETSEIB in Barcelona. His latest articles have been: «The graphic statics, past and present of a singular methodology», EGA: Expresión gráfica arquitectónica 39, 2020; «The Hardy Cross method and its implementation in Spain», Revista Digital Lampsakos 23, 2020.


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How to Cite
Pons-Poblet, J.M. 2020. ¿Los textos del Antiguo Testamento corroboran el geocentrismo?. Disputatio. 9, 15 (Dec. 2020), 147-165. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4625605.
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