The Debate between Explanation and Understanding in von Wright and Apel. A Double Interpretation of the Leibnizian Proposals

  • Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri University of Navarra, Spain
Keywords: Wittgenstein, Foundation, Logical Positivism, Universal Language


  1. H. von Wright and Karl–Otto Apel have conducted a review of Leibniz's presence throughout the development of analytic philosophy after Russell and the first Wittgenstein. In both cases it was intended to solve the crisis of foundation generated by the initial positivist–logical proposals. Both Russell and the first Wittgenstein would have initially proposed some constitutive presuppositions of a dogmatic nature, which they would borrow from the Monadology of 1714 of the last Leibniz. However, these principles were in clear contradiction with respect to the unlimitedly revisionist regulatory ideal on which the elaboration of a truly universal mathematical language proposed by the young Leibniz was based. For von Wright the last Wittgenstein and the young Leibniz would have tried to legitimize the reciprocal semiotic understanding in the name of a previous experimental explanation, while for Apel both the last Wittgenstein and the young Leibniz would have tried to show the impossibility of explaining a fact of the experience if we do not have a previous language that allows us to understand it.

Author Biography

Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri, University of Navarra, Spain

Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri was a professor in secondary education since 1976, now retired. He is a visiting professor at the University of Navarra lecturing on History and Methodology in Science since 176/77 (now retired). His PhD Tesis carried the title ‘Acción y método en la transformación de la filosofía de Karl–Otto Apel’. He is the author of articles published in several journals like Anuario Filosófico, Contrastes or Themataabout Apel, von Wright, Wittgenstein, Popper and Heidegger. He published a great number of book reviews in Anuario Filosófico, Teorema, Theoria, Educación y sociedad, Acta Philosophica, Diálogo Filosófico, Paideia.


Apel, Karl–Otto (1979). Die Erklären–Verstehen–Kontroverse in transzendental–pragmatischer Sicht. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.

González, Ángel I. (ed.) (2012). Metafísica modal en G. W. Leibniz. Pamplona: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra.

Leibniz, Gottfried, W. (2010). Obras filosóficas y científicas. 2, Metafísica, editado por Ángel L. González. Granada: Comares

Leibniz, Gottfried W. (2015). Obras filosóficas y científicas, Vol. 5, Lengua universal, característica y lógica, editado por Julián Velarde y Leticia Cabañas. Granada: Comares.

Wright, Georg H. von (1971). Explanation and Understanding. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. [Trad. Cast.: Explicación y comprensión. Trad. de Luis Vega Reñón, Madrid: Alianza, 1979].

How to Cite
Ortiz de Landázuri, C. 2020. The Debate between Explanation and Understanding in von Wright and Apel. A Double Interpretation of the Leibnizian Proposals. Disputatio. 9, 12 (Mar. 2020), 119-136. DOI: