The sensible meaning of the Kantian category of possibility

  • Matías Oroño Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Keywords: Kant, Semantics, Spatiality, Modality


In this article I defend the thesis according to which the Kantian category of possibility only receives a sensible meaning through reference to objects given in time and space. Likewise, I indicate that the sensible meaning that the category of possibility receives in the framework of the Schematism is compatible with the possibility of spatial and temporal objects that Kant presents in the «First postulate of empirical thought in general». Thus, I present some reasons that allow us to understand that although the scheme of possibility is formulated in temporal terms, it presupposes spatial intuitions.

Author Biography

Matías Oroño, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Matías Oroño is a researcher at CONICET (Argentina). Doctor in Philosophy [≈PhD] from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. His work focuses on Kant's epistemology. He has published «Las contrapartidas incongruentes y el cuerpo propio en el idealismo trascendental de Kant» . Ideas y Valores vol. 66 (2017): pp. 153-176 (among other articles about Kant’s philosophy).


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How to Cite
Oroño, M. 2021. The sensible meaning of the Kantian category of possibility. Disputatio. 10, 16 (Mar. 2021), 139-163. DOI:
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