Presentation. Discursive Ethical Rationality. A Tribute to Karl Otto Apel

  • Juan A. Nicolás Universidad de Granada, Spain
Keywords: Homage, K. O. Apel


Given the relevance for the world of philosophy of K. O. Apel's death, the Lecture "G. W. Leibniz of Philosophy" ( of the University of Granada organized a seminar as a tribute to him in October of 2017. Many professional philosophers from Germany, Italy, Spain and Latin America came together. All of the are well acquainted with Apel's work and many of them were personal friends of his. This monographic issue is the fruit of this seminar as a tribute to Karl-Otto Apel.

Author Biography

Juan A. Nicolás, Universidad de Granada, Spain

Juan Antonio Nicolas is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Granada, Spain, Director of "Cátedra G. W. Leibniz de Filosofía" ( Presidente of the "Red Iberoamericana Leibniz", Vice-President of Spanish Leibniz Society. Director of the Project "Leibniz en español", Director of the "Biblioteca Hispánica Leibniz", Director of the investigation group "Conocimiento, verdad y valores". His lines of investigation are: The Genesis of Modernity, actual alternatives to the crisis of Modernity, Revision of Critical Thought and Reconstruction of the notion of Truth. Recent Publications: "Harmonie als Ordnung: das letztendliche Meta-Prinzip der leibnizschen Metaphysik". Studia Leibnitiana. Shf. 51 (2017), pp. 55–67; (eds.) Leibniz and Hermeneutics, Cambridge, 2016; (Hrsg.) Beiträge zu Leibniz’ Rezeption der Aristotelischen Logik und Metaphysik, G.Olms Verlag. Hildesheim, Zürich, New York, 2016.


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How to Cite
Nicolás, J.A. 2020. Presentation. Discursive Ethical Rationality. A Tribute to Karl Otto Apel. Disputatio. 9, 12 (Mar. 2020), 1-5. DOI: