Frege, truth and scientific progress

  • Carlos Ulises Moulines Universidad de Múnich – LMU, Germany
Keywords: Science, Frege, Truth, Progress, Epistemology, Philosophy of Science


The present paper shows the continuity, through the work of Frege and the context of his characterization of scientific doing, of a notion of truth that is neither constructive nor instrumental, and can’t even be understood as a relation of correspondence or adaptation. It is a primitive and undefined concept, which is intended to be taken through its ultimate consequences –something that Frege did not come to do. The author supports, finally, an alternative notion of truth that could be seen as a condition of possibility of any epistemic attitude.

Author Biography

Carlos Ulises Moulines, Universidad de Múnich – LMU, Germany

Carlos Ulises Moulines es doctor en filosofía y catedrático de lógica y filosofía de la ciencia en la Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität de Múnich. 



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How to Cite
Moulines, C.U. 2012. Frege, truth and scientific progress. Disputatio. 1, 1 (Jun. 2012), 17-35. DOI:
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