The Ontological Relation of Knowledge in Nicolai Hartmann’s Philosophical Project
The present study aims to show, in Nicolai Hartmann’s (Riga 1882 – Göttingen 1950) philosophical project, the implications of considering the gnoseological relation of being as a key for an ontologically grounded Metaphysics. In his consideration, the Latvian Philosopher does not get rid of the subject–object relation; on the contrary, his approach offers good reasons to consider such relation as a genuine character of human’s being. His approach will be exposed from an explanation of his idea of Metaphysics, and its bond with the question on entity’s being. Afterwards, it will be clarified the intimate relation of Ontology and Gnoseology, to exhibit the context in which the fundamental aporia of apprehension is formulated. It will be pointed out the keys of Hartmann’s treatment of the aporia of apprehension: the connection of living and knowing, and his interpretation of the gnoseological function of representation. Thus, it will be presented a comprehensive vision of Hartmann’s conception of the embedding of the gnoseological relation in the sphere of being.
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