O estatuto ontológico das entidades teóricas

  • Grover Maxwell Univerity of Minnesotta
  • Gilson Olegario da Silva University of Campinas, Brazil
Keywords: Ontology, Theoretical Term, Realism, Observation, Reality


That anyone today should seriously contend that the entities referred to by scientific theories are only convenient fictions, or that talk about such entities is translatable without remainder into talk about sense contents or everyday physical objects, or that such talk should be regarded as belonging to a mere calculating device and, thus, without cognitive content — such contentions strike me as so incongruous with the scientific and rational attitude and practice that I feel this paper should turn out to be a demolition of straw men. But the instrumentalist views of outstanding physicists such as Bohr and Heisenberg are too well known to be cited, and in a recent book of great competence, Professor Ernest Nagel concludes that «the opposition between [the realist and the instrumentalist] views [of theories] is a conflict over preferred modes of speech» and «the question as to which of them is the "correct position" has only terminological interest.» The phoenix, it seems, will not be laid to rest.

Author Biographies

Grover Maxwell, Univerity of Minnesotta

Grover Edward Maxwell foi professor da Universidade de Minnesota e membro (e diretor) do Centro para a Filosofia da Ciência na mesma universidade.

Gilson Olegario da Silva, University of Campinas, Brazil

Gilson Olegario da Silva atualmente é professor no Departamento de Filosofia da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brasil. Doutor em Filosofia [≈ PhD] pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas – Unicamp, com a tese: «Os empiristas vão à missa: compromissos ontológicos e frameworks linguísticos». Seus principais interesses concentram–se nos problemas circunscritos à Ontologia, Metametafísica, História & Filosofia da Ciência, ao Positivismo Lógico e a reavaliação da filosofia de Rudolf Carnap; principalmente nos fundamentos das teorias científicas e na sua estruturação formal.


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How to Cite
Maxwell, G. and da Silva, G.O. 2021. O estatuto ontológico das entidades teóricas . Disputatio. 10, 19 (Dec. 2021), 195-224. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7412375.