Time and truth: on the relationship between some metaphysical and semantic theses

  • Elton Marques Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Keywords: Future Contingents, Eternalism, Determinism, Principle of Bivalence


In this article, I try to identify the right connexion between some metaphysical theses (eternalism and determinism) and some semantic theses (closed and open future). Having established that, I will then posit two principles (Metaphysical-Semantical Determination Principle and Semantical-Metaphysical Indetermination Principle), making them available to philosophical debates, such as the debate about future contingents and its variants. The principles in question summarize the contribution that the relations between those theses can offer when well established. We will eventually see that we cannot deduce those metaphysical theses from the semantic theses in question, although we can move from the metaphysical theses to the semantic theses.

Author Biography

Elton Marques, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Elton Marques is a member of the international research group Lancog at the Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal,
where completed a PhD in Philosophy. His main interests are in metaphysics of time, relationalism, and
substantivism. He is also interested in philosophy of science and contemporary philosophy of time in general.


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How to Cite
Marques, E. 2018. Time and truth: on the relationship between some metaphysical and semantic theses. Disputatio. 7, 8 (Dec. 2018), a001. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2550524.
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