Reflections on dealing with epistemically vicious students

  • Tuomas Manninen Arizona State University, United States
Keywords: Virtue Epistemology, Epistemic Vice, Epistemic Humility, Creationism, Science Denialism


As a philosophy instructor, I strive to get my students to think critically about the subject matter. However, over the years I have encountered many students who seem to deliberately want to avoid thinking critically. I am talking particularly about some students in my “Science and Religion” course, who subscribe to scientific creationism and endorse anti–scientific beliefs which seem to be irrational. In this essay, I will offer reflections of my experiences from these classes, and argue that individuals who subscribe to creationism exhibit a combination of epistemic vices that makes them prone to holding incorrect views. Employing Quassim Cassam’s framework on the epistemic vices of conspiracy theorists in his “Vice Epistemology”, I argue that the creationists’ beliefs can best be understood as resulting from similar vices. Subsequently, I move to consider the reasons why these students subscribe to creationism, using Katherine Dormandy’s analysis in her “Does Epistemic Humility Threaten Religious Beliefs?” as a springboard. Following Dormandy, I explore how epistemic vices (in particular the lack of epistemic humility) lead to someone holding false —even irrational— beliefs. Finally, I will consider strategies in dealing with vice–charging the epistemically vicious students in a way that avoids the practical difficulties noted by Ian James Kidd in his “Charging Others with Epistemic Vice”.

Author Biography

Tuomas Manninen, Arizona State University, United States

TUOMAS MANNINEN is senior lecturer in the School of Humanities, Arts & Cultural Studies at Arizona State University. His research and teaching interests include science and religion, philosophy of mind, and critical thinking —with particular emphasis on how these topics relate to contemporary events.


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How to Cite
Manninen, T. 2020. Reflections on dealing with epistemically vicious students. Disputatio. 9, 13 (Jun. 2020), 407-428. DOI: