Radicalising the Letzbegründung: From Sense-Postulate to Necessity of (an Extended Concept of) Morality

  • Linda Lovelli Università G. D’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara, Italy
Keywords: Authenticity, Basic Moral Principles, Highest Good, Sense-postulate, Ultimate Foundations


In this paper I intend to illustrate a ‘radicalisation’ of Apel’s ‘ultimate foundation’, which is in my opinion necessary to complete the author’s attempt to justify the ‘moral point of view’. The latter appears indeed to be unfinished, because it does not face the problem of the sense/value of human existence that – I maintain – is prior to the one of the justification of basic moral principles.

I am however convinced that the method of transcendental reflexion defended by Apel can offer the necessary sources to take the missing step and show that the one who questions the sense of human existence cannot avoid presupposing a sense-postulate. I will therefore argue that one cannot avoid recognising the value of human existence, namely that there is ‘something’ in human existence that is worth to be protected and promoted.

Such value, as suggested by Charles Taylor in his critical confrontation with discourse ethics, should be articulated in a conception of the good, or even of the ‘highest good’, that in my view has its core in a specific idea of authenticity and ultimately justifies the validity of the moral principles of discourse ethics.

Author Biography

Linda Lovelli, Università G. D’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara, Italy

Linda Lovelli was granted a DAAD Postdoc Fellowship, Cluster Normative Ordnungen, Goethe Universität Frankfurt (2018-2019; Prof. R. Forst), working on the project “The Ethical Foundations of the Liberal-Democratic State: beyond a Typical Aporia of Contemporary Political Philosophy”. She obtained a PhD in Philosophy (summa cum laude) at Università G. D’Annunzio Chieti/Pescara, Italy (Prof. R. Garaventa) in Co-tutelle with Universität Witten/Herdecke, Germany (2014-2017; Prof. M. Kettner) with the Thesis: “Why be Moral? Foundation’s Strategies. K.-O. Apel and J. Habermas in Dialogue with C. Taylor” and a Bachelor and Master Degree in Philosophy (110/110 cum laude), Università di Genova (2005-2013; Prof. G. Cunico) with the Thesis: “Transcendental or Formal Pragmatics? K.-O. Apel in Comparison with J. Habermas”.

Thesis:  “Transcendental or Formal Pragmatics? K.-O. Apel in Comparison with J. Habermas”.


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How to Cite
Lovelli, L. 2020. Radicalising the Letzbegründung: From Sense-Postulate to Necessity of (an Extended Concept of) Morality. Disputatio. 9, 12 (Mar. 2020), 217-229. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/10.5281/zenodo.4068603.