Laicism, seculariation and catholic truth in Gonzalo Puente Ojea

  • Miguel Ángel López IES de Almodóvar del Campo, Spain
Keywords: Religion, Catholicism, Scientific and Philosophical Rationalism, Epistemology


Beyond its link with political power, religion continues to maintain veritative claims that come into conflict with scientific knowledge. There are many contemporary forms that have sought to translate and even ridicule this conflict. Gonzalo Puente Ojea (1924-2017), develops a systematic critique of the current forms of the apologetics of faith in multiple fields: neotestamentary exegesis, studies on religion, secularization, secularism or idea of conscience and soul. The aim of this study is to present two of the main milestones of this critique: secularization and laicism. The starting point is the debate that Puente Ojea holds with the initial editorial line of the Spanish magazine the skeptic. Magazine for the promotion of reason and science, edited by the Society for the advancement of critical thinking. From there a tour is made through the keys of his irreligious conception of reality in that they represent a critique of the multiple ways in which religiosity seeks to legitimize its epistemological status against scientific knowledge. The conclusion is an assessment of his critical.

Author Biography

Miguel Ángel López, IES de Almodóvar del Campo, Spain

MIGUEL ÁNGEL LÓPEZ MUÑOZ es Profesor de IES, España. Doctor en Filosofía con Mención Internacional [≈PhD] por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Secretario de la Revista de Hispanismo Filosófico. Su línea principal de investigación es el pensamiento irreligioso español, en sus perspectivas filosófica y jurídica. Autor de Gonzalo Puente Ojea y la libertad de conciencia (En Su Tinta, 2014); editor y co–autor de Emancipación e irreligiosidad. El doble compromiso silenciado de Gonzalo Puente Ojea (Thomson Reuters–Aranzadi, 2018).


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How to Cite
López, M. Ángel 2019. Laicism, seculariation and catholic truth in Gonzalo Puente Ojea. Disputatio. 8, 11 (Dec. 2019), 265-292. DOI:
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