Is it sexist to recognize that men and women are not identical? A critical evaluation of neurofeminist rhetoric

  • Roxana Kreimer Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina
Keywords: Sexual Dimorphism, Feminism, Neurosexism, Hormones


Several authors have accused neuroscience and psychology of promoting sexism through the differentiation of psychological predispositions of men and women that would not be a product of socialization. We will analyze the argumentative and empirical problems of two academic articles of one of them, the biotechnologist Lucía Ciccia, and the central ideas on sexual dimorphism of two neuroscientists who have a similar perspective on the subject, Daphna Joel and Janet Hyde. We offer empirical evidence on psychological predispositions of men and women that interact with the environment but are not products of socialization, and we argue in favor of the possibility that some stereotypes are an effect and not a cause of the differences between men and women. Finally, we will present arguments to support the claim that an evolutionary perspective is relevant in order to construct a better explanation of the characteristics of each sex, and a valuable starting point to search for equal rights.

Author Biography

Roxana Kreimer, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina

ROXANA KREIMER holds a Degree in Philosophy and a PhD in Social Sciences by the University of Buenos Aires. He has published six books and academic articles on scientifically informed ethics, politics, scepticism, and informal logic.


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How to Cite
Kreimer, R. 2020. Is it sexist to recognize that men and women are not identical? A critical evaluation of neurofeminist rhetoric. Disputatio. 9, 13 (Jun. 2020), 261-305. DOI: