Science vs. Religion: An Impossible Conflict in the Time of the Galileo Affair

  • José Ramón Jiménez Cuesta Universidad de Granada, Spain
Keywords: Scientific Revolution, Physics, Science, Religion, Galileo


This paper analyses the conflict between science and religion related to the Galileo affair. By studying the scientific controversies surrounding the transition from geocentrism to heliocentrism from the perspective of the astronomers, we show that a conflict between science and religion as we understand these disciplines today was impossible in the 17th century. Heliocentrism faced two questions that were difficult to solve in terms of the science of the time: how to explain the movement of the Earth and stellar parallax, which Copernican astronomers explained through divine intervention. Solving fundamental scientific problems was still a question of Theology. The conflict around the Galileo affair arises from a reordering of knowledge: for Galileo, the geometry of planetary movement was the responsibility of Astronomy, but cosmological problems remained within the province of Philosophy and Theology. Galileo’s conflict must be understood more as a power struggle than as a conflict between science and religion. The continued explanation in various fora, the press and nonscholarly journals of the changes generated by the new astronomy (including the Galileo affair) as Theology interfering in science is not grounded in the historical and scientific facts of the 17th century, and profoundly distorts the perception most nonspecialists have of these events.

Author Biography

José Ramón Jiménez Cuesta, Universidad de Granada, Spain

José Ramón Jiménez Cuesta, es Licenciado en Física Teórica, Atómica y Nuclear y Licenciado en Matemática Fundamental. Doctor en Física (PhD) y Catedrático de Óptica en la Universidad de Granada. Ha publicado 100 artículos incluidos en el Science Citation Index en los campos de Física Aplicada, Óptica Visual y Oftalmología Aplicada. Asimismo es cofundador y miembro del Seminario «La Física y sus Historias» de la Universidad de Granada y coorganizador de los Seminarios de «Historia de la Física» de la Universidad de Granada. Ha publicado diversos artículos divulgativos en revistas y periódicos e impartido diferentes conferencias sobre Ciencia en la Edad Media y temas relacionados con la Física al comienzo de la Revolución Científica.


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How to Cite
Jiménez Cuesta, J.R. 2016. Science vs. Religion: An Impossible Conflict in the Time of the Galileo Affair. Disputatio. 5, 6 (Dec. 2016), 157-171. DOI:
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