The problem of the legitimate demos: a fragmentary exposition of an open debate

  • Alberto Manuel Hers Martínez LUISS Guido Carli, Italia
Keywords: Democracy, Migration, Secession, Suffrage, Borders


During the last decades there has been a growing controversy within political philosophy about the legitimate limits of the demos. In this paper, I am going to explain briefly some of the solutions offered so far and assess how they work in three problems that involve the democratic boundary problem. My goal is to show that each problem may be solved best using a specific solution. By doing that, my aim is to show that it is unlikely that the controversy will be solved in the short term.

Author Biography

Alberto Manuel Hers Martínez, LUISS Guido Carli, Italia

Alberto Manuel Hers Martínez es doctorando en el Programa de Postgrado en Política en la Universidad LUISS Guido Carli (Italia), en donde desarrolla la tesis «La autodeterminación en el contexto de la despolitización». Posee un máster en Filosofía de las Ciencias Políticas y otro en Organización Internacional por la Universidad de Leiden. Además, tiene Máster en Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia por la Universidad de Oviedo.


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How to Cite
Hers Martínez, A.M. 2021. The problem of the legitimate demos: a fragmentary exposition of an open debate. Disputatio. 10, 16 (Mar. 2021), 273-279. DOI:
Critical Notes