Post-modernity and New Realism: The realistic turn of Maurizio Ferraris

  • Jimmy Hernández Marcelo Università degli Studi di Torino, Italia
Keywords: Postmodernism, Realism, Hermeneutics, Ontology, Epistemology


New realism emerges as a response to the excesses and errors of postmodern philosophy. The main representative is an Italian philosopher educated in hermeneutics and post-structuralism, namely Maurizio Ferraris. In this sense, the main purpose of the present study is to understand the meaning of this realistic turn of the philosophy of the 21st century through the philosophical proposal of Ferraris. The starting point will be the emergence of post-modernity and its consolidation as a philosophical movement. Secondly, we enter the debate on the emergence of the New Realism to clarify its genetic process. Thirdly, we present the main contentious issues between Postmodernity and New Realism. Finally, we project the future of the philosophical transformation linked to Maurizio Ferraris.

Author Biography

Jimmy Hernández Marcelo, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italia

Jimmy Hernández Marcelo earned his PhD in Philosophy at the University of Salamanca and University of Turin (cotutelle). He is also a member of the Center for Ontology (Labont) of the University of Turin, Italy, where he is developing his post-doctoral research on New Realism under the supervision of Maurizio Ferraris. He was a visiting researcher at the University of Paris 1, the Catholic University of Louvain, the University of Coimbra, the Husserl Archives of the University of Freiburg, the Husserl Archives of the University of Cologne, at the University of Bonn, and at the University of Montreal. He has published several articles on the origins of Phenomenology and contemporary French philosophy. He has translated writings of Edmund Husserl, Jean Héring, Jocelyn Benoist, Sylvain Camilleri, and Jacques Derrida, among others.


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How to Cite
Hernández Marcelo, J. 2020. Post-modernity and New Realism: The realistic turn of Maurizio Ferraris. Disputatio. 9, 14 (Sep. 2020), 35-72. DOI:
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