How not to defend science. A Decalogue for science defenders

  • Sven Ove Hansson Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Keywords: Pseudoscience, Science Denial, Defence of Science, Science Education, Scepticism, Science and Religion, Uncertainty, Fallibility, Value-Ladenness


The public defence of science has never been more important than now. However, it is a difficult task with many pitfalls, and there are mechanisms that can make it counterproductive. This article offers advice for science defenders, summarized in ten commandments that warn against potentially ineffective or even backfiring practices in the defence of science: (1) Do not portray science as a unique type of knowledge. (2) Do not underestimate scientific uncertainty. (3) Do not describe science as infallible. (4) Do not deny the value-ladenness of science. (5) Do not associate with power. (6) Do not blame the victims of disinformation. (7) Do not aim at convincing the anti-scientific propagandists. (8) Do not contribute to the legitimization of pseudoscience. (9) Do not attack religion when it does not conflict with science. (10) Do not call yourself a “sceptic”.

Author Biography

Sven Ove Hansson, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

SVEN OVE HANSSON is the author of more than 350 articles in refereed journals and books. He is one of the major contributors to the international philosophical research on pseudoscience and science denial. He also publishes on other topics in the philosophy of science and technology, logic, epistemology, ethics, philosophy of risk, and the history of philosophy. He is the editor-in-chief of Theoria and two international book series, member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), and past President of the international Society for Philosophy and Technology in 2011-2013.


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How to Cite
Hansson, S.O. 2020. How not to defend science. A Decalogue for science defenders. Disputatio. 9, 13 (Jun. 2020), 197-225. DOI: