Autonomous thinkers, irrational thinkers

  • José Ángel Gascón Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, UCSC, Chile
Keywords: Argumentation, Autonomy, Experts, Reflection, Bias


We are living, it is often said, in a time that is characterised by the rise of irrational beliefs and the disregard of scientific knowledge. However, our time is also characterised by the praise—at least in words—of critical thinking against unreflective gullibility. It is doubtless necessary to take various factors into account in order to explain this apparent paradox. In this paper I will focus on one factor that concerns our very conception of critical thinking and that, in my view, contributes to the escalation of irrationality: the exaltation of autonomy. I will argue that the emphasis of cognitive autonomy both by philosophy and by the divulgation of critical thinking turns out to be harmful in two respects. On the one hand, the praise of cognitive autonomy may cause the rejection of scientific knowledge that contradicts our personal experience. This is perhaps most clearly seen in the case of those who believe in pseudo-therapies. On the other hand, the emphasis on autonomous reflection contributes to the formation of a false confidence in biased reasoning. Against these two problems, I will defend the epistemic virtues of rational trust and argumentation.

Author Biography

José Ángel Gascón, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, UCSC, Chile

JOSÉ ÁNGEL GASCÓN is a PhD in philosophy (UNED) with a doctoral dissertation on argumentation theory. He has published articles in journals such as Topoi, Informal Logic, Argumentation and Revista Iberoamericana de Argumentación. He currently works at UCSC in Concepción (Chile), with a postdoctoral fellowship awarded by FONDECYT/CONICYT.


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How to Cite
Gascón, J. Ángel 2020. Autonomous thinkers, irrational thinkers. Disputatio. 9, 13 (Jun. 2020), 383-405. DOI: