Vindicating the Frege Project. The Priority of the Propositions and the Expressive Character of Logic

  • María José Frápolli University College London, UK
Keywords: Compositionality, Concept-script, Inferentialism, Judgeable Content, Logical Constant, Logical Expressivism


Frege is widely considered as the father of contemporary logic and analytical philosophy. Nevertheless, a closer look to Frege’s work makes clear that the formalist paroxysm which defines contemporary logic and formal semantics has overlooked substantial parts of Frege’s original project. For this reason, it becomes urgent to re-examine that project in search of illumination about what we are doing when doing logic. The purpose of this paper is to study in particular how Frege dealt with logical constants while developing his ideography as an instrument for the representation of inferences. We expect to obtain thus a new and better understanding of the contributions that Frege made to the development of logic and semantics that overcome the limits drawn by the Hilbert-Tarskian tradition.

Author Biography

María José Frápolli, University College London, UK

MARÍA J. FRÁPOLLI, is a Marie Skłodowska–Curie Researcher at the University College London, UK, Full Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of Granada, Spain, and Principal Investigator of the project «Naturalismo, Expresivismo y Normatividad» (Ref. FFI2013–44836–P). PhD in Philosophy at the University of Granada. Her main interests are in phylosophy of language and philosophy of logic. She has published the book The Nature Of Truth (Dordrecht: Springer, 2012); and she edited, among others, the following books: Teorías Contemporáneas de la Verdad, con J.A. Nicolás (Madrid: Tecnos: 2012); Filosofía de la Lógica (Madrid: Tecnos, 2007); Saying, Meaning and Referring (Gordonsville, VA: Palgrave–McMillan, 2007).


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How to Cite
Frápolli, M.J. 2017. Vindicating the Frege Project. The Priority of the Propositions and the Expressive Character of Logic. Disputatio. 6, 7 (Dec. 2017), 1-42. DOI:
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