Neorealist hermeneutics

  • Maurizio Ferraris Università degli Studi di Torino, Italia
  • Jimmy Hernández Marcelo Universidad de Salamanca, España
Keywords: New realism, Hermeneutics, Truth, Ontology, Epistemology


Three conceptions of truth: hypertruth, hypotruth, and mesotruth. The result of this differentiation allows the rehabilitation of hermeneutics by providing a realistic version of it, which on the one hand is distinct from the postmodernist one in that it recognizes the fundamental role of ontology and on the other avoids the risk taken by a large part of analytical philosophers of misunderstanding historical differences at an epistemological level.

Author Biography

Maurizio Ferraris, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italia

Maurizio Ferraris is full Professor of Philosophy at the University of Turin, Italy, where he is the President of the LabOnt – Center for Ontology. He has been Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung. His main interests are in aesthetics, hermeneutics, and social ontology, attaching his name to the theory of Documentality and contemporary New Realism. He wrote more than fifty books that have been translated into several languages. The books that have appeared in English are: History of Hermeneutics (Humanities Press, 1996); A Taste for the Secret (with Jacques Derrida – Blackwell, 2001); Documentality or Why it is Necessary to Leave Traces (Fordham UP, 2012); Goodbye Kant! (SUNY UP, 2013); Where Are You? An Ontology of the Cell Phone (Fordham UP, 2014); Manifesto of New Realism(SUNY UP, 2014); Introduction to New Realism (Bloomsbury, 2014); Positive Realism (Zer0 Books, 2015); Cinema and Ontology (Mimesis, 2018); From Fountain to Moleskine (Brill Research Perspectives in Art and Law, 2019); Metafísica de la Web (Dykinson, 2020).


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How to Cite
Ferraris, M. and Hernández Marcelo, J. 2020. Neorealist hermeneutics. Disputatio. 9, 14 (Sep. 2020), 15-34. DOI:
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