Towards Digital Humanism, from a common denominator for Cyber Ethics and Artificial Intelligenge (AI) Ethics

  • José-Luis Fernández-Fernández Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Spain
Keywords: Philosophy of Technique, Digitalisation, Cibernetic Dystopia, Ethical Principles


From an express option in favour of the human, the article is structured as a response to the following research question: Could we identify a common ethical denominator that could serve as a proposal for a Digital Humanism: for a situation in which humanity, freeing itself from avoidable suffering, manages to deploy its potential to achieve sustainable economic development and technical and political progress capable of giving rise to human flourishing? All of this, within the framework of the Cyber Society and placing the person and his or her dignity at the centre of the whole process related to the Artificial Intelligence of the present and the future.

On the basis of the Philosophy of Technology, and after taking into account the conditions of technical possibility of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, in an attempt to avoid the possibility of any dystopia, technically feasible but ethically vital, some proposals are considered in terms of Cyber Ethics and the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence; and some ethical principles are highlighted which seem to be serving as a common denominator from which to channel technological development in favour of humanity on a planetary scale.

It concludes by reiterating the commitment to Digital Humanism.

Author Biography

José-Luis Fernández-Fernández, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Spain

José Luis Fernández Fernández (PhD and MBA), is Professor at ICADE (Universidad Pontificia Comillas) and Director of the Iberdrola Chair of Economic and Business Ethics. Fellow of the Caux Round Table, he chairs the Ethics and Social Responsibility Subcommittee -CTN 165 SC2- of the UNE. He has written several books and multiple scientific articles, some of them in high impact journals.


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How to Cite
Fernández-Fernández, J.-L. 2021. Towards Digital Humanism, from a common denominator for Cyber Ethics and Artificial Intelligenge (AI) Ethics. Disputatio. 10, 17 (Jun. 2021), 107-130. DOI:
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