The upsurge of irrationality: post-truth politics for a polarised world

  • Angelo Fasce University of Valencia, Spain
Keywords: Post-Truth, Polarisation, Unwarranted Beliefs, Pseudoscience, Science Denialism, Intergroup Anxiety


Firstly, I summarise the current philosophical and psychological study of post-truth. Secondly, I discuss “white post-truth”, a still unattended form perceived as morally superior by many social actors and scholars. Thirdly, I describe the kind of intergroup struggle that underlies the emergence and spread of these non-standard epistemologies.

Author Biography

Angelo Fasce, University of Valencia, Spain

Angelo Fasce holds a Master's degree in Neuroscience and a PhD in Logic and Philosophy of Science at the Universitat de València, Spain, with a doctoral dissertation on the demarcation problem and the psychometry of pseudoscientific beliefs. His current line of research focuses on the social dynamics involved in the epidemiology of unwarranted beliefs.


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How to Cite
Fasce, A. 2020. The upsurge of irrationality: post-truth politics for a polarised world. Disputatio. 9, 13 (Jun. 2020), 7-48. DOI: