Ethics as an indispensable anthropological fiction

  • Luciano Espinosa Rubio Universidad de Salamanca, España
Keywords: Ethics, Anthropology, Fiction, Action, Life


Speaking of Ethics, as of anything else, is to deal with human life from an obviously finite look, and that advises certain humility in tone and to assume the provisional nature of the statements. This is a contingent speech, although it may not be recognized, as the troubled vicissitudes of men, where capital letters and absolutes are inadequate because they disparage the minute reality of facts and lead to sectarian clash.

Author Biography

Luciano Espinosa Rubio, Universidad de Salamanca, España

Luciano Espinosa Rubio is Associate Professor of Metaphysics and Teory of Knowledge at the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Aesthetics of the Universidad de Salamanca. PhD in Philosophy at the Universidad de Salamanca.


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How to Cite
Espinosa Rubio, L. 2013. Ethics as an indispensable anthropological fiction. Disputatio. 2, 3 (Dec. 2013), 139-155.
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