The Three Functions of Discourse

  • Alberto Mario Damiani CONICET- UBA-UNR, Argentina
Keywords: Ethics, Discourse, Action, Speech Acts, Validity Claim


The aim of this paper is to explain the connection between action and discourse in the frame of discourse ethics. The paper begins with an analysis of the difference between action and act. After that, three function of discourse are presented: to resolve validity claims, to coordinate social interactions and to determinate the sense of human activities.

Author Biography

Alberto Mario Damiani, CONICET- UBA-UNR, Argentina

Alberto Mario Damiani is currently a Professor at the University of Buenos Aires and Universidad Nacional de Rosario. He is principal investigator at CONICET. He is author of Handlungswissen. Eine transzendentale Erkundung nach der sprachpragmatischen Wende, Freiburg/München, Verlag Karl Alber, 2009; “La centralidad ética del discurso. Un examen pragmático trascendental”, Daimon. Revista internacional de filosofía, 78, 2019, pp. 61-74. „Pretensiones de validez y mundo social“, Topologik. Revista internazionale di scienze filosofiche, pedagogiche e sociali, nº 24, dic. 2018-abril 2019, pp. 115-123;  «Handlungstheorie vs. Handlungsreflexion in diskurspragmatischer Sicht», Concordia. Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie, Heft 72, 2017, pp. 3-14 and a large number of writings about transcendental pragmatics and modern political philosophy.


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How to Cite
Damiani, A.M. 2020. The Three Functions of Discourse. Disputatio. 9, 12 (Mar. 2020), 287-298. DOI: