The prohibition of going beyond the limit. An interpretation of Parmenides’ B8

  • Mariana Chendo Universidad del Salvador, Argentina
Keywords: Peîras, Bound, Violence, Necessity, Impossibility


Reading Parmenides’ Poem in a political key, we will work the question of the limit in Parmenides’ B8. To go forward it, we will work in three consecutive movements: the semantic field of the limit, the semantic field of the excess and the semantic fields of limit and excess as an unit bond of the sémata in B8. To achieve this point, we will look after the appearance of peîras in the Poem and their links with DíkeMoîraAnágke and thémis from the iteration of the terms related to o. At the same time, we will point the relevance of the prohibition that closes the way that overflows the boundary. In this last aspect, we will work on the opposits of peîras and thémis in the epic vocabulary of the Odyssey. To begin the development, we will make some few references to the parmenidean epic in connection to the boundary. To end it, we will work from de hypothesis of Mourelatos (2008) who finds that the attribute of immobility in B8 is related to a proper place in an epic sense.

Author Biography

Mariana Chendo, Universidad del Salvador, Argentina

MARIANA CHENDO, is Prosecretaria Académica of the Faculty of Education and Social Communication of the Universidad del Salvador (Argentina). She graduated in Philosophy at the Universidad del Salvador. Her main interests are in ancient history and philosophy. Among her main works there are: «Outidanós Oûtis. Breve genealogía de la nada». Thémata 54 (2016): pp. 93–110; «Palabra, retórica y lugares comunes». Revista Ser y Estar 2, no 2 (2014): pp. 13–20; «Parménides y la persuasión épica». In III Jornadas Internacionales de Hermenéutica, edited by María José Rossi and Gastón Beraldi (Buenos Aires: Ediciones Proyecto Hermenéutica, 2013), pp. 200–205.


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How to Cite
Chendo, M. 2017. The prohibition of going beyond the limit. An interpretation of Parmenides’ B8. Disputatio. 6, 7 (Dec. 2017), 257-276. DOI:
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