Reconciling Anti-Nominalism and Anti-Platonism in Philosophy of Mathematics

  • John P. Burgess Princeton University
Keywords: Nominalism, Platonism, Ontology, Structuralism


The author reviews and summarizes, in as jargon-free way as he is capable of, the form of anti-platonist anti-nominalism he has previously developed in works since the 1980s, and considers what additions and amendments are called for in the light of such recently much-discussed views on the existence and nature of mathematical objects as those known as hyperintensional metaphysics, natural language ontology, and mathematical structuralism.

Author Biography

John P. Burgess, Princeton University

John Patton Burgess is John N. Woodhull Professor of Philosophy at Princeton University. His work is centred on logic and the philosophy of mathematics.


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How to Cite
Burgess, J.P. 2022. Reconciling Anti-Nominalism and Anti-Platonism in Philosophy of Mathematics. Disputatio. 11, 20 (May 2022), 1-19. DOI:
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