Who is to guard the «guardians»? Plato, the power of discourse, and the relevance of education in the formation of the ruler

  • Marcelo D. Boeri Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Keywords: Plato, Education, Knowledge, Responsible Citizenship


When thinking of the relations between philosophy and education and attempting to search for this connection in Classical Antiquity, one usually evokes Plato’s Republic. Probably Plato, with his rejection of democracy and his focus on censorship of marriage and literature, cannot provide us with helpful remarks to better understand our imperfect and sometimes disorganized political systems. I shall argue, though, that, despite these details, some Platonic suggestions can be useful both to comprehend and to think again the relations between philosophy and education, and to reexamine the technical and characterological qualities the rulers should meet. Plato still has something to tell us not only from the theoretical discussion standpoint but also from that of the current political speech. With his view that the philosopher-ruler acquires real authority from knowledge, Plato displays a refined philosophical model where education understood as «character formation» can furnish reasonable aspects, even within the domain of public debate. Finally, I also hold that the knowledge the Platonic ruler has is not a purely theoretical ingredient but also a practical one. None of Plato’s arguments can solve our difficulties, but almost all his reflections can be useful for the formation of responsible citizens.

Author Biography

Marcelo D. Boeri, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile

MARCELO D. BOERI, is professor of Philosophy at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. PhD in Philosophy at the Universidad del Salvador (Argentina). His main interests are in Greek–Roman philosophy (especially topics of epistemology and moral psicology in Plato, Aristotle and Stoics). Among his main works there are: Apariencia y realidad en el pensamiento griego. Investigaciones sobre aspectos epistemológicos, éticos y de teoría de la acción en algunas teorías morales de la antigüedad (Buenos Aires: Colihue, 2007) and Los Filósofos Estoicos: Ontología, Lógica, Física y Ética. Translation, philosophical commentary and critical edition of the most relevant Greek an Latin texts (Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Band 12) (Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag 2014; with Ricardo Salles). He also translated, edited and commented Plato's works (Teeteto, Filebo, Carmides) and Aristotle's works (Physics I–II; VII–VIII, De anima). He published articles and book chapters in specialized journals and collective volumes in Latin America, Europe and USA. He was co-founder (1988) and co–editor (1999–2008) of Méthexis. International Journal for Ancient Philosophy, Fellow of the Center for Hellenic Studies (Harvard University) and Fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation. He was member of the Editorial  Committee of the International Plato Studies (sponsored by the International Plato Society; 2007–2015).


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How to Cite
Boeri, M.D. 2017. Who is to guard the «guardians»? Plato, the power of discourse, and the relevance of education in the formation of the ruler. Disputatio. 6, 7 (Dec. 2017), 231-255. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1490665.
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