Models of Experience: Towards an Empirical Husserlian Phenomenology

  • Horacio M. R. Banega Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Keywords: Husserl, Formal Ontology, Experience


The theory of science that Husserl developed in his Prolegomena establishes a formal semantic counterpart made up of formal semantic categories and a formal ontological counterpart made up of formal ontological categories. In the third of his Logical Investigations, Husserl sets about developing this a priori theory of the ways that parts of an object can be combined so as to be considered a whole. In this theory, he proposes, designs, and develops different formal relationships between different types of parts in order to account for different types of wholes. In this presentation, I put forward the following thesis: Husserl applies his own formal ontology to the phenomenological realm, which results in models of this realm. By «model», I mean the result of the application of a formal structure with known properties to a realm that one is seeking to know. As such, the validity of the model will depend on its being corroborated empirically. The textual evidence for this is to be found in the third of the Logical Investigations and in others texts by Husserl from throughout his life.

Author Biography

Horacio M. R. Banega, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Horacio M. R. Banega, es Profesor en el Departamento de Filosofía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, y en la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina. Doctor en Filosofía (PhD) en la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Sus principales áreas de interés son la filosofìa fenomenológica temprana, la ontología formal, la estética fenomenológica de la escena y la performance, la fenomenología y la filosofía de la ciencia social Entre sus principales publicaciones se cuentan su libro: Estructuras: Composicion y Contenido (Bernal: Universidad Virtual de Quilmes 2015), con Gustavo Galuppo; y sus artículos: «Formal Ontology as an operative tool in the theories of the objects of the Life-World: Stumpf, Husserl and Ingarden». Journal of Continental Philosophy Symposium 16:2 (2012), pp. 63–87; y «Husserl`s diagramms and models of immanent temporality». Quaestiones Disputatae. A Journal of Philosophical Inquiry and Discussion (2016), de próxima aparición


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How to Cite
Banega, H.M.R. 2016. Models of Experience: Towards an Empirical Husserlian Phenomenology. Disputatio. 5, 6 (Dec. 2016), 1-10. DOI:
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