A habermasian solution for cosmopolitan aporia? From thin (communicative) solidarity to thick cosmopolitan solidarity

  • Mikel Arteta Universitat de València, España
Keywords: Communicative Action, Constitution, Habermas, Sovereignty, Pensky


Very often, cosmopolitan projects are criticized because they tend to idealize proposals beyond the ethical and legal bonds of solidarity, which are necessarily limited to concrete communities. In this article, we turn to the Habermasian theoretical concepts to check whether it is possible to extend these bonds of solidarity beyond the nation state. Once we know what has been historically understood by solidarity (1), we will wonder about the tension between two approaches of solidarity that can be also found in Habermas’ proposal (2). We will reveal how the thin solidarity behind our communicative actions can rebuild a popular sovereignty in intersubjective terms (3). And even if that kind of sovereignty can be moved beyond borders, we will reveal the potential communitarianism which exists in Habermas’ cosmopolitanism (4). Finally, we will underline the cosmopolitan potential that lies behind the thin solidarity of the communicative action, which binds valid interlocutors together. That could be useful in order to promote a self-fulfilling prophecy, using international political parties (5).

Author Biography

Mikel Arteta, Universitat de València, España

MIKEL ARTETA, is professor of Philosophy of Law, and Moral and Political Philosophy. PhD in Moral and Political Philosophy at the Universidad de Valencia. He works on theory of democracy and nationalism, with a particular focus on Jürgen Habermas's discursive theory and, more specifically, on his proposal of a cosmopolitan constitution of the international laws. Among his main publications we highlight his recent book Construcción nacional en Valencia. Claves para entender la estrategia de expansión del nacionalismo en la Comunidad Valenciana (España: Biblok, 2017). He also published articles and book chapters on specialized journals in Europe an Latin America, such as Revista de Filosofía, Contrastes. Revista Internacional de Filosofía, Eidos, Araucaria. Revista Iberoamericana de Filosofía, Política y Humanidades, Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, Claves de Razón práctica o Grand Place.


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How to Cite
Arteta, M. 2017. A habermasian solution for cosmopolitan aporia? From thin (communicative) solidarity to thick cosmopolitan solidarity. Disputatio. 6, 7 (Dec. 2017), 169-198. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1490469.
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