First Things First. The Concept of Primordial Co-responsibility. On the Foundation of a Planetary Macroethics

  • Karl-Otto Apel Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany
  • Norberto Smilg Vidal IES "Miguel Espinosa", Murcia, Spain
Keywords: Co-Responsibility, planetary Macroeethics, Discursive Ethics, Pragmatic-transzendental Foundation, Application of Ethics


This article has the purpose of thinking about three basic questions. Firstly, the traditional notion of “responsibility” -being mainly of individual nature- is analysed and the need is exposed to complement it with the notion of “co-responsibility”. Given that any personal act along with the personal responsibility that goes with it presupposes social institutions from the very beginning (meaning the subject-subject relation), accepting responsibility for these collective acts (e.g. wars, poverty, destruction of the biosphere, etc.) must be postulated unconditionally. Secondly, this paper lays the foundations in a pragmatic-transcendental way for the concept of primordial co-responsibility. From this point of view and comparison with other ethical doctrines, the shortcomings of other attempts to deal with the difficulties at hand become clear. Neither utilitarian nor deontological ethics, in the sense of classical Kantianism, and naturally Neo-Aristotelian nor community ethics are capable of providing the foundations for a macro-ethic on a planetary level. Finally, it is shown how a co-responsible way of applying discursive ethics is possible with the purpose to dissolve appropriately the problems arising from the collective acts of Humanity in our present world and which require a spirit of solidary co-responsibility.

Author Biographies

Karl-Otto Apel, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany

Karl-Otto Apel, German philosopher, to whose memory the conference and the papers, which constitute the body of this monograph, are dedicated, was born in Düsseldorf on the 15th of March, 1922. He graduated from the University of Bonn and obtained his PhD in Mainz in 1960. He was professor of Philosophy in Kiel (1962-1969), Saarbrücken (1969-1972) and after that in Frankfurt, where he became one of the most influential members of the School of Frankfurt together with Jürgen Habermas. Both are considered the founders of Discourse Ethics.


Karl-Otto Apel passed away in Niedernhausen on the 15th of May, 2017.

Norberto Smilg Vidal, IES "Miguel Espinosa", Murcia, Spain

Norberto Smilg Vidal is a professor of philosophy at the Secondary School "Miguel Espinosa" in Murcia, Spain. He obtained a PhD with a study titled La teoría de la verdad de K.-O. Apel (Granada, Comares, 2000). He is the translator of several texts by Apel into Spanish: Teoría de la verdad y ética del discurso (Barcelona, Paidós, 1991); "Vuelta a la normalidad. ¿Podemos aprender algo especial de la catástrofe nacional?" (in Apel, K.-O. and others, Ética comunicativa y democracia, Barcelona Crítica 1991); and, more recently, the edition of three texts by Apel in controversy con Habermas (Apel versus Habermas, Granada Comares, 2017). He contributed also to several translations contained in a broad selection of texts by Apel, prepared by J. A. Nicolás and L. Molina (Racionalidad crítica comunicativa, Granada, Comares, 2017) of which, for the time being, the first of three planned volumes has been published. Professor Smilg has also published several texts about Apel's relation with M. Heidegger and H. G. Gadamer.


Gehlen, Arnold (1973). Moral und Hypermoral. Frankfurt/M.: Klostermann.

Kant, Immanuel (1795/1968). «Zum ewigen Frieden». En: Werke, Akad.-Textausg. vol. VIII, Berlín: de Gruyter. (Trad. española, Sobre la paz perpetua. Trad.: N.N. Madrid: Tecnos, 2002).

How to Cite
Apel, K.-O. and Smilg Vidal, N. 2020. First Things First. The Concept of Primordial Co-responsibility. On the Foundation of a Planetary Macroethics. Disputatio. 9, 12 (Mar. 2020), 45-74. DOI: