For a phenomenology of religious life

  • Emmanuel Falque Catholic University of Paris
Keywords: Phenomenology, Heidegger, Factual life, Religious life, Atheism


This article aims to explore how the "phenomenology of religious life" can provide a renewed understanding of religious experience, not as a theoretical phenomenon, but as something that emerges from factual life, that is, from the concrete and immediate experience of living. Through a review of texts such as Being and Time and Phenomenology of Religious Life, the importance of the concept of "facticity" is highlighted, developed from the readings of Saint Paul and Saint Augustine, which refers to the concrete and situated experience of the human being in the world. Facticity is not limited to religious life but encompasses all life experiences, including everyday life. It is further emphasized that the phenomenology of religious life proposed by Heidegger is not exclusively directed at believers, but offers a way to understand human life in general. Likewise, Heidegger's criticism of the Catholic system is addressed, which he considers a barrier to genuine religious experience. Finally, it is suggested that the phenomenology of religious life is not merely a study of religious beliefs or doctrines but an investigation into how life, in its entirety, is experienced as a constant transformation. The article concludes that the phenomenology of religious life, as proposed by Heidegger, offers a valuable tool for rethinking the relationship between philosophy and religion.

Author Biography

Emmanuel Falque, Catholic University of Paris

Emmanuel falque se doctoró en filosofía en la Universidad de La Sorbona y obtuvo la licenciatura en teología en el Centro Sèvres de París. Actualmente es Catedrático en la Facultad de Filosofía del Instituto Católico de París y Profesor adjunto en la Universidad Católica de Australia. Ha sido invitado como docente en diversas universidades de Europa, América y Australia, y es miembro del comité de redacción de la Revue de Sciencies philosophiques et théologiques. Sus campos de investigación abarcan la fenomenología, la filosofía patrística y medieval, y la filosofía de la religión. De sus numerosas publicaciones cabe destacar: La chair de Dieu (Cerf, 2023), Hors phénomène (Hermann, 2021), Triduum philosophique (Cerf, 2015), Saint Bonaventure et l’entrée de Dieu en théologie (2001), Dieu, la chair et l’autre, d’Irénée à Duns Scot (2008), Pasar Getsemaní (Sígueme, 2013); Pasar el Rubicón (2016); Metamorfosis de la finitud (Sígueme, 2017) y Las bodas del Cordero (Sígueme, 2018).


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How to Cite
Falque, E. 2024. For a phenomenology of religious life. Disputatio. 13, 27 (Mar. 2024), 175-196. DOI:
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